
x0xb0x listy.

x0xb0x = Synth + Sequencer

"The x0xb0x is not just another MIDI-controlled TB-303 clone. x0xb0x is a full reproduction of the original Roland synthesizer, with fully functional sequencer. The sequencer can be programmed just like the original 303 (ok its actually a little easier, we think) and can be used to control other synthesizers via any of its various output formats. 128 banks of track memory and 64 banks of pattern memory are stored in onboard EEPROM, no battery-backup is needed!"

so im officially on the list now to get one of these bad boys....should be about 5-7 months wait, but its totally worth it. once i have completed building this thing i will have a perfect replica of the original roland tb 303, how sweet is that?? It is going to be a lot of soldering, which i still gotta practice a bit before im ready to take on such a tedious project.

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